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Sonic and the Trans Formers – Chapter 3 Part 1

Sonic and the Trans Formers - Chapiter 3 Part 1

But while the Autobots of 2029 were taking it easy so to speak the Decepticons and Robotnik continued to steal more resources of energy from other locations in and around areas of Green Hills adding more Energon cubes to their growing stockpile that is. At one point while the evil beings were taking it easy and the Terminators still working on fixing up Borf’s starship...Mega Mind was telling his leader about stumbling upon a gold mine in the hills.

Borf: What good can gold be used as a source of energy? <curious frown>

Mega Mind: I thought it might be interesting to see if we can convert nuggets into Energon cubes, if it works. If it doesn’t we can find another source.

Robotnik: Hmmm...it’s worth a try. I think I know what he’s talking about. <Borf looks curious> There’s this ghost town tourist site where visitors to Green Hills come to see what it was like in the 1800 decades back when the American West was becoming what it is today.

Borf: I don’t think I’m getting the picture of what you’re telling me.

Robotnik: The gold mines in question are within the tourist site, located in the hills beyond a well preserved Old Western style town.

Ivo showed images or photos of the Green Hills Ghost Town including the gold mines and directions on where to find the site using the fastest route possible that is. Borf grinned with evil satisfaction.

Borf: If this works as Mega Mind says it will <the super genius nods> we will be able to create more Energon cubes then return them here to home base.

Mega Mind: We will move out when you say we are ready. <salutes his leader – Borf nods>

Robotnik: I can get us there with the Death Egg so you don’t have to fly there yourself. <offers>

Borf agreed to have Ivo transport his gang to the location. Suddenly he, Ivo and Mega Mind were distracted by a noise or sound.

Robotnik: What’s that?

Mega Mind: Sounds like something’s being operated.

Borf: But what? <eyes narrow suspiciously>

All three went to investigate and discovered Tryax Kahn shooting at stand-up targets with a laser cannon Gatling gun but the weapon was hooked up to a Energon cube and half its contents were drained away.

Borf: Tryax! What in blazes are you doing?

Tryax: What does it look like? <leers> Testing how powerful the Energon cubes are when we use them on our world in 2029.

Mega Mind: Good grief! <quotes Charlie Brown>

Robotnik: I can see that.

Borf: Did you think they would not work?!

Tryax: You never tested them, so I proved it. <continues to leer>

Borf: At least you only used one cube. <points to half empty container> We will plan on adding more cubes soon enough when we visit a gold mine.

That got Tryax’s attention as his eyes went wide.

Tryax: Wait a minute...you’re not thinking of...converting gold into a source of energy.

Mega Mind: Oh, no? <grins or smirks> It’s never been tried or done before so I suggested we see if it works.

Robotnik: Borf will decide when to explore the mines and hopefully we will be in and out before the Autobots and their allies show up to stop us.

Tryax was still confused-puzzled as ever but also agreed to try out this experiment too. Borf then addressed the other Decepticons of his idea or rather he let Mega Mind outline everything instead. Meanwhile it was Duke Nukem along with Team Sonic, Tom and Maggie enjoying a picnic lunch at the public park listening to concert music performed by musicians along with other citizens of Green Hills.

Duke: We used to have these concerts and picnic in the park on our world where we would listen to music, enjoy good food and company.

Maggie: Was that before Sky Net turned against humanity? <Duke nods>

Duke: When the machines we built to fight terrorism began attacking innocent people and making slaves out of them.

Sonic: Good grief! <quotes Charlie Brown>

Knuckles: Holy cow...

Tom: Reminds me of the Terminator movies I used to see at the theaters...

Tails: Who knows where the Decepticons are going to attack, or when?

Duke: If Ace finds out, he will let me know.

Soon it was time to head back to home base as Duke and the Wachowski family headed out of town along the country roads to Autobot headquarters. Tails pretending to drive was at the wheel of the General Motors Company Top-Kick with Tom beside him and Maggie. Sonic and Knuckles in the back seat of the truck resting after eating-drinking and now sleeping it off so to speak.

Tails: Look at this, no hands. <takes gloved hands off steering wheel>

Duke: <vehicle mode> Ha-ha, automated driving, right.

Maggie: At least Nukem is driving so there’s no danger of losing control.

Duke: Yes ma’am.

Tom: What’s that, sounds like jet engines overhead. <looks out front windshield>

Maggie glanced out the passenger window spotting fighter jets high overhead, a F-16 Falcon and F/A-18 Hornet that suddenly went into banking turns and dove straight down firing laser bolts from their gun ports. Maggie screamed and lurched back into the cab of the Top-Kick, her cries awakening Knuckles and Sonic who sat bolt upright looking around.

Knuckles: What happened, who screamed?

Maggie: We got company, fighter jets strafing us!

Tom: Get down! <drops low in his seat>

Tails: Augh! <cries like Charlie Brown>

Sonic: Great Scott! <quotes Doc Brown>

Explosions went off around the Top-Kick as Duke did evasive maneuvers to protect himself and his friends from being harmed as Drakken and Crystal zoomed overhead then banked around for another strafing run.

Drakken: Look out, here we come!

Crystal: Get ready for a beat down.

Duke: Try it, sore losers. I won’t let you harm my friends.

Crystal: Better take care of them or they may get hurt.

Drakken: From us, of course!

Again the F-16 and F/A-18 jets blasted away with their laser guns but once again missed their mark as Nukem made sure not to let the grays harm his friends. All of a sudden another vehicle came speeding up from behind, honked its horn then shouted.

Don: Hey! Need a helping hand, looks like you could use one.

Sonic: Oh, it’s the swords expert. <recognizes the vehicle and voice>

Don: That’s me, Sonic.

Knuckles: Can you get rid of these grays attacking us?

Don: No sweat.

Duke: Go ahead, they’re all yours.

Davis took careful aim and let go with a barrage of firepower from his guns so to speak scoring direct hits on Drakken and Crystal making them yell, shout in anger and pain at being assaulted but instead of retaliating they zoomed away.

Crystal & Drakken: Later, Autobot losers!

Don: Up yours, Decepticon bullies!

Duke: Yeah, asta-la-vista, baby. <quotes the Terminator>

Knuckles: Good, they’re leaving.

Tails: I didn’t think we were going to make it.

Maggie: Thanks for the assistance, Don.

Don: You’re welcome.

Tom: Those grays are like neighborhood bullies always harassing-intimidating people.

Sonic: I still can’t believe they are working with Egg Man. <scowls>

They continued on their way back to home base where upon arriving learned that Borf and his gang were about to steal gold nuggets from a mine located within a tourist site outside of Green Hills. Ace confirmed the location and moments later with Team Sonic disguised as the monster trucks of Big Foot, USA-1 and Gravedigger were on their way to the site. In no time they arrived on-site and began exploring the old west town.

Kimberly: This kind of town reminds me of similar old west towns on our world too.

Kim: Yes, well preserved and maintained to avoid weather damage.

Sonic: I didn’t know Green Hills looked like this long ago. <gestures at the structures>

Tom: Oh, yes it did. Long before the turn of the century when technology would start changing things.

Sonic: Wow...

Don: You got that right hedgehog. <thumbs up>

That made Sonic laugh in good humor.

Cindy: So the gold mines are in the hills beyond the town-site.

Maggie: I believe that is where we will find the grays.

Tails: And stop them cold.

Knuckles: Can’t wait...

Duke: I wonder if there is still gold left in the mines.

That’s when Tom informed the Autobots there wasn’t any gold inside the mine shafts but Fool’s Gold or iron pyrite to be exact.

Tom: So I bet the Decepticons will be in for a shock or big surprise when they realize it’s worthless rocks they will be trying to convert into energy resources.

Ace: Holy BLEEP! <curses briefly> Oh my god...<quotes Joey Stiles of E-C-W>

Upon hearing this the magic humans from 2029 erupted into laughter with their friends as everyone tried to vision Borf and comrades failing in their task. Soon they left the western town behind and hiking up a incline hill until reaching the top and there...before them stood the entrance to the gold mines.

Ace: So now we need to find out exactly where Borf and his gang are holed up so we can stop them.

Don: I’ll do the honors, sir. It will be no problem getting in and out. Of course, I must admit that I would get lost in the tunnels.

Ace: So we’ll send in drone copters to search for the Decepticons so no one gets lost in there.

Seconds later a flying camera or drone copter resembling a Mini Hunter-Killer machine (like those in the Terminator 3-D attraction) zoomed into the dark tunnels and just like that video footage revealed the grays, the T-800 and 850 units and Robotnik operating a series of machine equipment in breaking down the yellow rocks the Terminators had collected and were being converted into Energon cubes in the process. The mini hunter-killer not wanting to be seen or discovered quickly flew back to its creator.

Tom: They’re doing it?! Turning Fool’s Gold into Energon cubes.

Maggie: No way...

Team Sonic could only stare with mouths half open and eyes wide...

Ace: Don, good luck in stopping Borf and his gang. <his brother nods>

Then Possible had a idea as she said.
Kim: We can bring down the roof upon their heads with this baby. <conjures forth a bomb>

Tails: Whoa! Are you planning on bombing them?

Kim: Duh...how else are we going to make sure they do not escape us.

Tails: Good grief...<quotes Charlie Brown>

Tom: That sounds like a good idea if it works.

Kim: <raises eyebrow> Oh?

Sonic: Maybe it will work, who knows?

Ace: Let’s stop talking about stopping them and execute it.

Everybody agreed then Tom also volunteered claiming his great-great grandfather once worked in gold mines since he heard stories told by his own grandfather about what it was like being underground and the dangers of mine collapses. After assuring his wife he would be safe and Don promised to keep him from being harmed...both were making their way into the depths of the mine shafts. Halfway down the main tunnel the swords expert paused to stare at yellow rocks embedded in the dirt walls.

Don: Is that the Fool’s Gold?

Tom: That’s it. Worthless rocks that would be impossible to trade or sell in exchange for cash.

Don: Holy cow...

Then...Sonic Hedgehog showed up.

Sonic: I didn’t want to miss out on the fun so I decided to tag along too.

Tom: As long as you stay close to me and Davis at all times. <the hedgehog nods>

Don: Maybe you can beat down the grays like you used to do.

Sonic: Hell-yeah! <thumbs up>

They continued on their way when Davis heard voices up ahead. Quickly he used his magic to make himself, the Sheriff of Green Hills and fastest thing alive disappear in seconds. Emerging from a side passageway came Amber the alien lizard creature and pet of Crystal muttering to herself while T-850 units accompanied her pushing a mine car filled with gold nuggets.

Amber: I can’t wait to get back to Earth 2029...this Earth in 2022 is so boring, not much action...but at least plenty of resources of energy to steal...

She laughed over that joke and continued on her merry way along with the Terminators until disappearing from view. Seconds later Don, Tom and Sonic reappeared.

Tom: Did I hear her say my world is boring?

Sonic: And jokes about stealing resources?

Don: That’s Amber, she likes to make bad jokes of everything. <shrugs>

Sonic shrugged too as Tom shook his head then they continued on their trek until coming upon a cavern about the size of a cathedral church. What they saw shocked them to the core so to speak...there was Borf, Drakken, Crystal, Tryax, Mega Mind and the Terminators using special equipment to convert the iron pyrite rocks into energy resources filling the glowing liquids into 3-D containers then pressed down into Energon cubes.

Sonic: No way...<can’t believe his eyes>

Tom: They’re doing it...<same look on his face>

Don: Oh my god...<quotes Joey Stiles of E-C-W>

Then remembering Kim’s idea of dropping the ceiling down upon the heads of the grays he quickly and quietly moved over to a timber support to attach the bomb to its surface. Sonic came over to assist and with Davis’s instructions typed in the code to initiate silent countdown then they and Tom began retracing their steps back the way they came to escape before detonation. They had not gone far when they ran headlong into Amber and the Terminators.

Amber: What-the?! <shocked then frowning look> Hey, where did you come from? <hisses like a snake>

Sonic: Just passing through.

Amber: Prepare to be destroyed. <hisses again – eyes narrowed>

Tom: Bring it on, whatever you are.

Don: <draws his magic sword> I got this.

Amber lunged forth shrieking like the Alien Xenomorph creature but was knocked down by Sonic who changed into a spinning blue ball. Enraged, the lizard alien was back on her feet again and leapt towards Sonic to strike him down but Sonic evaded her slashing claws. The Terminators opened fire with their laser rifles but Don blocked the beams with his sword turning them away from himself then hit back with Kung Fu-Wushu kicks and punches like Bruce Lee in action. Tom didn’t know what to do but afraid that Sonic would be hurt or wounded rushed forth to save his so-called adopted son.

Tom: Don’t you dare hurt my son!

Amber: Huh?! <briefly distracted>

Tom: I won’t let you harm him.

Amber: Don’t make me laugh. <does just that then leaps at him>

However Don knocked him to the side sending the Sheriff sprawling to the dirt floor barely missing Amber’s slashing attack but managed to wound the lizard with his magic sword instead. Crying out in shock and pain, Amber growled angrily then spat forth a greenish liquid from her mouth. Don went prone as the deadly acid flew over the spot where he had been striking the walls of the mine that smoked-sizzled on contact. Sonic gasped in wide-eyed shock.

Sonic: What the heck?!

Unfortunately that distraction allowed Amber to whip forth her tail smacking-slapping the fastest thing alive! Sonic yelled out in pain and fell to the dirt floor unconscious.

Amber: <laughs> You can’t beat me, foolish mortal. No one can defeat me. <hisses again>

Turning back to where Don was protecting Tom, she considered attacking them but changed her mind and took off running on all fours like the Xenomorph creature until gone from sight. Back outside the mine entrance.

Maggie: What’s taking my husband so long? I hope nothing happened to him. <gets worried>

Kimberly: Sonic hasn’t returned either, something must’ve gone wrong in there.

Ace: I got a bad feeling about this. <quotes Indiana Jones>

Duke: I’ll check it out. <starts to walk towards the entrance but Ace stops him>

Ace: I’ll go. If I’m not back, mount a rescue mission to find me, Don, Tom and Sonic. <Duke nods>

Cindy: Be careful in there.

Tails & Knuckles: Good luck! <say together>

Ace nodded and approached the entrance to the gold mines.




Programming By Doc Robotnik 2013