Track the last news on Track the last news on (C) 2005-2009 PHPBoost en PHPBoost ** CleanUP ** By new internet regulation especially with Flash removal form browsers, we will erase the famous FlashChat of robotnik empire, that will save place on our server, plus it was hard to manage or to modify a module. I belive this feature will miss no one, since it was even hard for the client to join or register, navigate through the elements was difficult and confusing with wrong arrangement. Better to let it go. Next on target is the Flash JukeBox. We will see later months if we will spare or not that feature that is in flash as well. We are also removing 100% of Guess Book since only awesome spammers express them self there about very dark and inappropriate pleasant content obviously... 2765 Comments of spam vs 0 Fan comments, conclusion this feature will miss no one either.<br /> <br /> And By the way, we noticed some abnormal coding about translation from web server to SQL especialy the '' that double everytime that you make an entry, we where able to fix it.<br /> <br /> End of UpDate. Sat, 06 May 2023 23:20:01 -0400 ** UPDATE ** NEW FAN FICTION BY SPACEACE Hello everyone ! Well the remains of you.. We got a new fan fiction by SpaceAce on Sonic World and Transformers. <br /> <br /> His work is already online, and on his demand we removed formers ones.<br /> <br /> Enjoy reading ! Mon, 25 Jul 2022 21:55:01 -0400 UPDATE on Affilates, Site Intro, Affilates List,Forum Hello everyone,<br /> <br /> Item 1.<br /> (Affilates)<br /> <br /> Some of our affilates seem to be dead, and we need to keep as possible the site out of dead link.<br /> <br /> Here lie..<br /> __________________________________<br /> Knuckles Solitaire<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> __________________________________<br /> Robotnik Corp (Not our company but the fan site made by a third party)<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> __________________________________<br /> PowerSonic a brazil Website that simply removed us without any notice, so we will as well remove them without any notice.<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> __________________________________<br /> <br /> Sad for site which are now dead, it&#697;s less site releated in the Sonic world.<br /> <br /> <br /> Item 2.<br /> (Intro Page)<br /> <br /> With great and long research, i finaly found a Flash emulator script API that will allow the flash to run as it suppose to be.<br /> Even if google removed it, it&#697;s now back working anyway thanks to our super script prog, it will also work on iPhone Safari and Android Navigator.<br /> <br /> And<br /> <br /> The Flash animation where upgraded with a new animation to it, since the emulator can&#697;t play video Import mp4 in flash, so everything had to be a single image frame by frame, but action script still work normaly as well.<br /> <br /> Item 3.<br /> (Affilates List)<br /> <br /> We think that the affilates list should be also in the intro page, so everyone can see it instantly, the affilates of French side and english side will meet at the intro. <br /> <br /> Item 4.<br /> (Forum)<br /> <br /> The forum as been invaded by spamBot, the great thing is we don&#697;t need to delete post by post, we can delete an user with ALL HIS POST wich it&#697;s saving a big amout of time ! So we decided to improve our question menu that include only Robotnik Question and not question releated from real world such as Apple is the creator of iPhone ?, now user will need to know more about our great Doctor Or the website it self, like "What is the 3rd option in menu Download" the answer is Screen Savers, we don&#697;t think for now it&#697;s important to enable the case sensible, but if it requires us in future we will do it.<br /> <br /> <br /> That is all !<br /> Have a great week.<br /> <br /> <br /> Computer Tech and Network Administrator. Sun, 19 Sep 2021 01:28:01 -0400 New Sonic Movie 2019 impression Everyone !<br /> <br /> Look at me, I am the true Doctor Robotnik and what made me come back from death is the current issue about the movie<br /> of Sonic in which Jim Carrey is the one playing my role. Well, I don&#8217;t really mind who or what race he is actually, but I mind the one who ruins my main personality. You fans, don&#8217;t you really know who I am? We need someone with an evil characteristic! Someone with good deep grammar to put emphasis on how exceptional and hyperintelligent i am! Someone who absolutely shows the power of having an IQ of 300, the Evil Genius! Ok, so here we have a good example from this fan made clip...<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> <br /> <br /> <p class="float_right"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p>This is just really impressive for a FAN made. This video respects more my true personality and character. The graphics is also very impressive, the E-102 army is just very detailed and so realistic. However, there is a lack of work on those egg carriers where we can see the bad textures and how poor the 3D render is. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /><br /> But in all fairness, this fan made video is better in all aspects than the New Sonic Movie with Jim Carrey, without talking about how ugly Sonic looks! Pffff...That is totally rubbish! Anyway, that&#8217;s none of my concern so I will let any Sonic Website talk about it. In here, we will only talk about ME! My only 6 words when i saw this on my control center screen was...<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> NO WAYYY..... I CAN&#8217;T BELIEVE THIS !<br /> <br /> Any comments ? Any questions ? Let me remember you that this forum is existing especially for this reason, <br /> SO COME TO ATTENTION !<br /> <br /> <p style="text-align:center"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p><br /> <br /> <a href="">Robotnik Empire Forum</a> Mon, 06 May 2019 16:12:01 -0400 Affiliates ? Great Empire ? it's HERE ! Okay Boys !<br /> <br /> Apparently i totaly forgot to put a page for Affiliates and icons kits. Thanks to Todd the owner of Solitaire our new Affiliate who told me "I've looked through your site and can't find a button for Robotnik Empire" Wow ... that is so true ! i did not think about it !<br /> <br /> <br /> So All RIGHT THEN ! There it is.. RIGHT THERE !!!! <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> <br /> This is the perfect page if you are interested to became affiliated with us ! Fri, 04 Mar 2016 00:33:01 -0500 Sega death is imminent according to Games specialists <p style="text-align:center"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p><br /> <br /> <p class="float_left"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p>According to games specialists like IGN, sega is dying. Since few years we can see Sega relase less games and they decide to remove the consept of console games, only mobile remain. But we know all mobile is only temporary, we get tired fast of mobile games and they are very cheaper also, the real future of video gaming is on computer now with virtual media and clouds. We belive more it go, worse it is to sega. Seriously did you go on them website ??? No upcomming games anymore, no more sonic, no more sports games, this smell very bad ! And honestly if we talk about Sonic Games, they turn too much for kids at the point to annoy olders fans, and make them bored of the series.<br /> <br /> <p class="float_right"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p>Many older fans since sonic 1 on sega genesis and webmaster about sonic said they just lost the interest. So this is not only about sega but also about Sonic Universe. The Sonic Universe fire is about to shut off a little bit each years. Many fan site has turned offline or just get disapear by lost of interest or lack of time. But this is the life of the market ! Everything is destinated to a end, this is the life cycle, but remember nothing is destroyed.. No ! They are only transformed, this can be transformed to a other idea or passion or whatever. If sonic die completly i suppose he will be remplaced by Mario ! Yes indeed, Nintendo has a record of sale and popularity since ever ! Even if they build 3 Generation of console with the same processor engine they only changed the controlers and add a wifi and a screen controler and everyone is happy ! Cheaper to upgrade and more sales, and Mario Maker is a super big hit. So i suppose sonic passion or fans will transform for Mario or maybe sonic will be bought by Nintendo, who know ?<br /> <br /> <p class="float_left"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p>For my part as the greatest scientific genius with a website to express my self, i want to to reassure you all, i will not stop my website even if the time is gone or interest, i will always have a minimum of time and interest to rule this place, maybe not often, but still ! Even if there is no more fans, i will stay alive no matter what ! if the server die also or something make this place lost for ever and no more time to rebuil it, it's okay i have some physical sleeping backup here, of couse i will not restart over from scratch, but some of it will be still online again and more simple and less contents but still there !!!! ... Better than nothing uh ? This is not my last article but the first of a new air, this site need fresh air, maybe it will attract new members who know ? and not sure but maybe i will reprogram the whole site for a new skin and look and features i will see.... it need much time and hard work... i can't promise it but this is on my to do list.<br /> <br /> Any comment ? Join our forum and talk about it ! Of course i will answer you ! Mon, 22 Feb 2016 03:33:01 -0500 Ladies and gentlemen, i am honored to present to you our New Affiliate ! <p style="text-align:center"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p><br /> <br /> Yes ! We got a new affiliate with the awesome site of Knuckles the Echidna under the name of "Solitaire" you can find it right away from our Affiliates menu at your right, or just click here for a quick visit <br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> <br /> <br /> This Website is a Great site for Knuckles fans and information about him, the Solitaire website has also an elegant and simple architecture which makes it pretty nice and quick to load ! Here the best part of the news i keeped it for the last of course... because i Doctor Robotnik is the most cunning scientific genius in the world to the point even other websites talk about me, yes it's true !! Take a look here ! <br /> <br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> Enjoy ! Mon, 22 Feb 2016 00:13:01 -0500 What About This Awesome Game ? <img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /><br /> <br /> What is your first impression ? Do you really expect a Metal Sonic Game could be released in the near future? Well, this is what Sega is trying to make us believe. In fact, this is a Modified Poster from Sega's facebook page. We don't know from where this picture was taken and who is the creator of this nice artwork, but Sega's facebook page looks like having fun making their fans believe that there is an upcoming game about the metal sonic but in fact this is all fake and it is only for getting a lot of likes and comments. Thu, 17 Sep 2015 04:05:33 -0400 Advertising Poster For The Great Empire ! <p class="float_left"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p><br /> Here is the Greatest Poster ever made for the empire !!! Made by My Self Of Course ! Now everyone will be attracted by this ultra modern design, inspired by the Uncle Sam Poster in USA which is super popular! Now this Awesome Poster will be displayed and promoted everywhere i can especially at some strategic places.<br /> <br /> Of Course this is not a real job ! I am talking about Fans, Members and maybe become a STAFF member ! That's right !!! I am looking for five Moderators, two News writers and one Admin. Who will be the lucky one ???? Every candidate will be studied, no discrimination here ! And NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED !!! This is the Real Chance to get an Admin Status at the New Beginning of the Great Empire! I have to remember you all about how hard it is to become an Administrator in any site so maybe it's your chance now ! <br /> <br /> So Join us at the Forum <a href=""></a> Write us an Email if you are interested to be one of my STAFF Members. My staff will notify you as soon as I receive your email.<br /> <br /> Good luck to all !!<br /> <br /> The Greatest Scientific Genius,<br /> Doctor Robotnik Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:39:01 -0500 Years 2014 Graph Outch Outch ! <p style="text-align:center"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p><br /> Ok..All Right Boys ! So trying to get fans by counting only with new site look &amp; forum without to do any advertising wasn't the best idea maybe i should also try on the younger generation instead, after all if TV can do it on a daily basis so can i !<br /> <br /> <a href=""><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" alt="" class="valign_" /></p></a><br /> <br /> The new resolution of Robotnik Empire for 2015 is advising will be effective on 2015 with the help of Robotnik Corp's Administration.<br /> <br /> I hope this will work so fine !!! What about you ? Got an idea ? or Comment ? subit it to the forum or our <a href="">Facebook page</a> ! Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:26:01 -0500